Global website with links to local operating companies, partner networks, financial data, investor and media relations, corporate responsibility, global enterprise, sponsorship, foundation, and careers.
AT&T is a leader in telecommunication services, including cell phones, wireless, U-verse, digital TV, high speed internet, DSL, home phone, and bundled services.
T-Mobile: Cell phones you love, plans you want. Offering the best deals on cellular phone service, prepaid cell phones, cell phone accessories, free cell phones & more!
Mobile phones, mobile broadband and home broadband in the Orange Shop. Plus the latest news, entertainment, sport and lifestyle content from Orange.
NTT DOCOMO是世界领先的移动通信运营和服务提供商。在日本,公司为超过五千四百多万用户提供优质服务。NTT DOCOMO的用户中有超过四千八百万的i-mode?用户。i-mode?是世界上最受用户欢迎的无线互联网和e-mail服务平台。NTT DOCOMO的用户中有超过四千九百万的FOMA?用户。FOMA?是全世界最早商用的基于W-CDMA的3G移动通信服务。
The global website of the Japanese mobile operator NTT DOCOMO, including press releases and updated corporate information.
OTE is among the five largest listed companies, with respect to capitalization, in the Athens Stock Exchange and also trades on New York (NYSE) and London (LSE) Stock Exchanges.
Bharti Enterprises is one of India's leading business groups with interests in telecom, agri business, financial services...