International Data Group, the world's largest technology media company, has globally branded product lines that reach more than 200 million technology buyers in 92 countries.
The Industry Standard features news and analysis that covers emerging technologies and companies, venture funding, acquisitions, site launches, and other developments in the internet space.
IT之家极速版,软媒旗下站点,IT资讯、学院、资源下载一站式中文门户站点,即时的IT业界动态和紧跟潮流的数码时代资讯,让您轻松掌控IT人类的生活,Windows8、Windows7、iPhone、iPad、Android、Chrome OS、Mac OS Lion,手机、平板、电脑、智能电视一个都不能少。因为IT而存在,IT之家。
QiuQuan\'s Blog 是一个精品软件分享博客,专注于软件的绿化、精简与打包。承接各类电脑&安卓软件宣传推广、软件站与游戏站安装界面定制、浏览器推广首页定制及等相关业务。
The IRTF is managed by the IRTF Chair in consultation with the Internet Research Steering Group (IRSG).